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The Portland Police Sunshine Division relies on donations of all kinds and community support to provide emergency food and clothing 24 hours a day 365 days a year.

Financial Contributions

Monetary donations are greatly appreciated and are 100% tax deductible.  You can donate online through our secure PayPal account.  If you would like to learn more about  planned giving please call us at 503-823-2169 or email

Food and Clothing Donations

We are always in need of food and clothing and there are several ways to donate these items:

  • Drop them off at 687 N Thompson Street, Portland, OR 97227 Monday through Friday between the hours of 9:30 to 11:30am and 12:30 to 3:30pm;
  • Drop them off in the blue donation barrel at any Portland Police Precinct;
  • If you have more than 100 pounds of food call us at 503-823-2119 to schedule a pick up.

Host a food and/or clothing drive for the Sunshine Division

When families come in to the Sunshine Division to receive help, they take home an average of 60 pounds of food and a grocery bag of clothes for each family member. With thousands of families being served each year, food and clothing drives are essential for us to continue to provide emergency food to those in need.

What does it mean to host a food or clothing drive?
With your business/company, school, church and/or friends you will work together to collect non-perishable food or new/gently used clothing for the Sunshine Division.

What do you mean by non-perishable food?

  • Canned foods – tuna, chicken, fruits, vegetables, soups, pasta sauce
  • Dry dinners – one box meals: macaroni & cheese, hamburger helper, mashed potatoes, pasta, rice
  • Peanut butter
  • Bags of dry beans or legumes
  • Cereal
  • Pasta or rice

What about non-food items?
Yes, our clients need help with all basics and are thankful when we can provide baby diapers, hygiene products (shampoo, soap, tooth brushes, tooth paste, etc), feminine hygiene products, toilet paper, laundry detergent, etc.

How long does a food/clothing drive last?
As long or as short as you would like. Some places have a food collection barrel year round. Others host a barrel for as short as a week. You set the duration of the food drive. When you set up a food drive you do not have to give an end date – you can wait to see how the food drive progresses and let us know at a time date when you would like it to end. We are flexible and will accommodate you.

Will the Sunshine Division deliver and pick up a donation barrel?
Yes! Just let us know when and where you would like the barrel delivered. If your barrel gets full before the end of the food drive call 503-823-2119 for a barrel refresh. The Sunshine Division can refresh your barrel within 48 hours of your request; often times the refresh can take place on the same day.

I would like to host a food drive, how do I start?
Call the Sunshine Division at 503-823-2116 or email Let the Sunshine Division know when and where you would like a barrel to be delivered. You can also schedule a regular time to refresh the barrel (your full barrel to be replaced with an empty barrel) and/or the date you would like the barrel to be picked up for good.

My company has more than one location and we want to have a competition to see who can collect the most food. How do we do this?
Please let the Sunshine Division know which locations will be competing why you set up the food drives. The Sunshine Division will provide updates as to the weights each location has during the food drive and at the completion.

How can I get promotional materials to enhance participation?
We can provide your organization with fliers, brochures and other materials. If your organization would like to hear from a Sunshine Division representative to help inform and motivate staff, just call 503-823-2116 to schedule a time.